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by Ron Chudley
Touchwood Editions, September 2010
240 pages
ISBN: 1926741064

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Hal Bannatyne is back to his hometown in Canada just finishing shooting his part in his latest big budget film and he is hoping for a little time off in between projects. But, alas, it is not meant to be. He catches sight of Mattie, a former flame, and tries to reconnect with her only to get involved in something a little bit deeper. First they have to deal with a disappearance that affected them both over twenty years ago while at the same time trying to understand what is going on at the present moment. There is someone willing to use any means at all to grab some land from people close to them. There is a lot of danger involved and Hal is not one to let things lie. He will see it all the way to the end. He knows he cannot leave just yet.

ACT OF EVIL is a promising start for this new character. When it comes to the main characters in the book, Ron Chudley is pretty successful in fleshing them out as they are introduced to readers. The same cannot be said about the book's main villains. They are a bit flat and stereotypical. As a reader, I had a hard time just trying to believe in them. They seemed more plot elements that helped move the story forward rather than dynamic characters.

All in all, not a bad beginning for a series. There are still other stories that can be developed as the character grows. It may take some time, but eventually Hal Bannatyne will very likely grab hold of readers.

§ Angel L. Soto is an equal opportunity reader and a book editor at a New Jersey academic publisher.

Reviewed by Angel L. Soto, August 2010

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Contact: Yvonne Klein (ymk@reviewingtheevidence.com)

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