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by David Hagberg
Forge, December 2006
448 pages
ISBN: 0765306239

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First there was a terrorist attack at the US base at Guantánamo, Cuba, where detainees who were held at the lowest level of security by the US were trying to be rescued by their fellow terrorists. Luckily a good CIA agent was there to take charge.

Then a former British Royal Navy captain, Rupert Graham, a traitor whose family met a horrid ending, was hand-picked by Osama bin Laden to head a mission that would rattle the world with its violence. Graham stealthily took over the largest oil tanker there is in order to wreak havoc in the Panama Canal.

That's when former CIA director, Kirk McGarvey is called out of retirement in order to fight the oncoming terrorists threats. McGarvey is asked to lead a group of talented CIA operatives against something that they hear is named Allah's Scorpion.

Rupert Graham, who calls himself a mercenary and not a fanatic, insists that he will not easily die for the terrorists' cause, but will do his best to work for and with them. Graham again joins forces with al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden to get control of a Libyan submarine. A plan to launch a nuclear missile on Washington DC is set up so that the US will be brought to its knees.

Now it's up to McGarvey and his team not only to stop the latest threat to the United States and in turn the world, but also to findi and kill Osama bin Laden.

Because this book is so filled with missions and the people who play a part in them, it's difficult to even start to talk about the book without giving away how it all turns out and who is victorious. It's important not to know how these assaults end in order to keep the tension going and I rather resented the blurb for giving away the endings of the first two missions. It ruined the start of the book for me.

ALLAH'S SCORPION is an international thriller that deals with the very true terrorist threat in the world today. Its main character, former CIA director Kirk McGarvey is written as an almost super agent. He knows everything about weaponry and isn't afraid to use his deadly knowledge in order to defend his country or his family. He is very much in love with his wife and the feelings he has for his family is what makes him human.

Writer David Hagberg seems to know a lot about the international political scene as well as possessing a great deal of knowledge about weapons, bombs and the military. This book is always fast-paced and filled with tension. The author also makes certain to include the feelings of the men and woman who are called upon to do dangerous work in order to keep the threats of the terrorist from coming true and harming the population of the world. The emotions of these top agents help make them a bit more realistic to the readers.

If you like stories about international terrorists along with information about the state of the world today, and if you can withstand the fear that might overtake you when facing these threats, then ALLAH'S SCORPION by David Hagberg should be on your reading list.

Reviewed by A. L. Katz, March 2007

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Contact: Yvonne Klein (ymk@reviewingtheevidence.com)

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