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by Richard Montanari
Ballantine Books, February 2005
400 pages
ISBN: 0345470958

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Kevin Byrne is a veteran Philly homicide cop. He has put in his 20 years but thoughts of retirement are put on hold after he was accused by a muckraking tabloid newspaper of hounding a suspect until they committed suicide. Simon Close, reporter for The Report is Byrne's nemesis. Lately Byrne has not provided any copy for Close, but that is about to change.

Jessica Balzano, Homicide's newest detective, is partnered with Byrne when his old partner is sidelined with heart problems. Jess is recently separated from her husband, also a police officer, and is the mother of a three-year-old daughter. Jess is a seasoned cop, but her life as a homicide detective will not compare to days on the auto detail.

The first victim is found in one of the worst areas of town, in a dilapidated old building, in the cellar. Tessa was a good student, quiet and unassuming. She was wearing her Catholic school uniform when she was found. Jess and Kevin are the lead detectives, as Jess barely has one day on the job. But Jess is a fast learner and with a seasoned detective such as Kevin as her partner, she quickly finds her stride.

After another schoolgirl victim is found, the sleaze factor in the press, or Simon Close to be exact, start calling the victims 'The Rosary Girls'. Jess, herself a graduate of one of Philadelphia's many Catholic girls' high schools empathizes with the victims and their families. And the fact that she also has a young daughter makes it that much worse. The bodies are all mutilated and the killer is obviously following a pattern, which is not discernible to anyone but himself; at least at first.

After many twists and turns, and many suspects who seem to be 'the one' the ending is a total surprise. The author has written not just another serial killer book and Kevin is not just another tormented cop. Although he is burdened with many sorrows, Kevin has never been the same person after a near-death experience he had while apprehending a vicious killer. He has a deaf daughter who he loves dearly and an ex-wife who is a good friend. A good man and a good partner, Kevin is an admirable character. Jessica is also a strong character, bringing a bit of a softer edge to the story, but not much, for Jess is as tough as she has to be.

This is an outstanding book in many ways, not the least of which is the excellent writing. Not only will fans of police fiction enjoy this novel, but also anyone who enjoys a well-told story with fascinating characters.

Reviewed by Lorraine Gelly, October 2004

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