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by Stuart Palmer
Rue Morgue Press, August 2004
155 pages
ISBN: 0915230704

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Oscar Piper, a detective with the Manhattan homicide department, is in Mexico traveling with a convention. A customs man is murdered and Piper decides to investigate as the local police do not investigate.

The customs man was opening the perfume bottle of Adele Mabie, a former beauty salon mogul and current wife to Alderman Francis Mabie. This bottle contained poison intended for Adele. While she claims to have no enemies, someone obviously plans to kill her.

In many of his cases, Piper relies on the assistance of Hildegarde Withers, a schoolteacher in New York and this mystery is no exception. They correspond by telegram until Withers decides that Piper needs help in person. She arrives in Mexico City to find Piper in jail as a suspect to murder. After getting him released, she has plenty to investigate as another person is murdered and her own life is threatened. Hildegarde Withers and Oscar Piper must find the murderer before another life is claimed.

The most interesting thing about THE PUZZLE OF THE BLUE BANDERILLA is that a male author is writing about a strong female lead character. While Hildegarde Withers is not a completely developed character, she still seems somewhat realistic. While this book does not really deal with personal relationships, Withers appears to be pragmatic and realistic rather than the stereotypical airhead of some historical novels. In addition, she does understand that not everything can be taken at face value and unknown or hidden emotions are usually complicated and unstable.

Stuart Palmer writes books that work. The characters in his books are interesting and engaging. Even though this book is very short, the characters motives and actions are mostly explained and understandable. The plot moves at a good pace without feeling rushed or as though something was missing. Writing a short mystery can be difficult; however, Palmer has mastered the art.

THE PUZZLE OF THE BLUE BANDERILLA is one of the last books in this series. Rue Morgue Press is slowly working to re-release the books in the series in addition to other authors from this period. Rue Morgue's endeavor should be supported so unknown books such as this can be enjoyed by a new audience.

Reviewed by Sarah Dudley, October 2004

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Contact: Yvonne Klein (ymk@reviewingtheevidence.com)

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