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Belle Palmer meets a six-pound canine bundle named Strudel. Little does she know that she will be seeing this dog on a regular basis. The dog doesn't even belong to her but they will know each other quite well by the end of the book. Belle lives in Sudbury, Ontario and works as a realtor. Her assistant, Miriam, is accused of murder when a man who is linked with scams and deception dies. Miriam's ex-husband, Jack, returns to the scene and wants to help clear his former wife. For me, two of the most interesting facets of the story are the climate and the characters. The climate in this Canadian setting is cold, cold, cold. Weather is portrayed well; you can see the snow and feel the wind. One can feel the raw energy of the cold treacherous weather. Some of the characters in this story include residents at a senior home. It seems that the deceased has stolen from some of these people. Another character, Steve, one of the local law enforcement people, is one that I find most interesting. His marriage is rocky and his character is so fascinating that I would like to know more about him. Maybe it will be forthcoming in the next book of the series. When Belle is put into jeopardy and so are some of her friends, she knows she must be getting closer to the truth. The finale will put the reader smack-dab in the middle of adventure. This is the third Belle Palmer mystery. The first two are entitled NORTHERN WINTERS ARE MURDER and BLACKFLIES ARE MURDER.
Reviewed by Rita Ratacheck, December 2003
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