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by J. F. Freedman
Warner Books, June 2003
421 pages
ISBN: 0446531898

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Walt and Jocelyn Gaines were at an archaeological dig in Central America. Walt was the leader of the group, with his wife by his side and several student volunteers in attendance. As they neared the end of their stay, Walt was excited about getting home and seeing their three grown sons.

Leaving the jungle site to begin the homeward bound trip, they were delayed with various problems. One of the rules of Third World travel is to not be on the road after dark. They needed to keep moving and try to stay safe. Then, everything changed in the Gaines family because Jocelyn was dead.

The readers move from Central America to Madison, Wisconsin. The family hosts the funeral of their dear wife and mother. Chicago is the next location we read about. One of the Gaines' sons, Clancey, is highlighted; this is where he lives. He and his wife, Callie, have a good life and are trying to move along after this devastation. Clancey and his two brothers, Will and Tom, meet again at the one year anniversary of their mother's death. They are grieving and confused. Walt, their father, has become distant with his family. After a discussion with his brothers, Clancey decides to fly to California and meet with his father. Even though there are many excuses for Walt not being available, Clancey succeeds in his mission. Walt's life has changed drastically. He learns that not only has his father moved to a very nice expensive home in California, but also he has a much younger woman there. The more information that Walt's adult children learn about him and his life, the more confused they become.

A concerted effort, even to the point of passion, becomes the norm for these three brothers. They need to find out answers. This search is the substance of this story. What a good story it is!

Reviewed by Rita Ratacheck, July 2003

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