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by Carola Dunn
Kensington, July 2003
254 pages
ISBN: 0758201699

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Before the cake has been cut at Daisy and Alec's wedding Mr. Arbuckle has lined up work for them both, in America. Hes negotiated with two different publications for Daisy to write about her ocean voyage to America and her visit in America. Hes worked with a young J. Edgar Hoover and with Englands government to get Alec assigned to go to Washington and give advice on cleaning up graft in the Investigative Bureau of the Justice Department. At least hes had everything scheduled for after the honeymoon!

The ship Talavera is filled with Daisy and Alecs friends. The Honourable Phillip Petrie and his wife Gloria, her father Mr. Caleb P. Arbuckle, his friend, Mr. Jethro Gotobed, and the new Mrs. Wanda Gotobed are all on board. Theyre all set for a happy voyage with dancing, playing games and a costume party. When the weather turns stormy and the sea choppy, over half the passengers are laid low by seasickness and Alec is among them. Before the malady has run its course there is a horrible accident (or an attempted murder). Daisy is one of the few people still well enough to investigate. She is on the case and she is trying to tend to Alec. A friendly herbalist (she happily states that in many societies she would be called a witch) offers remedies that are met with some derision, some suspicion, and, in the end, some gratitude and Alec is once more well enough to join in the investigation.

The engaging characters and sympathetic leads of these novels are the main draw. They are here in force in this adventure. Fans will be pleased that the wedding took place. The mystery is intriguing; outside information telegraphed to the vessel by Sergeant Tom Tring in the next to last chapter turns everything on its head and paves the way for deductions that lead to an interesting solution.

Reviewed by Jill Long, August 2003

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