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by Andy McNab
Ballantine, August 2001
416 pages
ISBN: 0345428080

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October, 1995, and the counter-intelligence force originating out of the UK is infiltrating Syria to gain data on what Osama Bin Laden, a Saudi multimillionaire turned terrorist, is up to. The task is to lift Bin Laden's right-hand man, "The Source" from a designated site. There's a team of agents led by a woman named Sarah Greenwood. Nick Stone's only job is to get Sarah out of the endeavor alive. This becomes extremely difficult when she begins to play by a different script than is provided to the rest of the team. She seems more intent on obtaining some information off of a computer than in keeping the group alive. She claims to be following orders that supersede those issued to the team; and more than one death occurs as a result.

Fast forward 3 years, and we find Nick ready to begin another assignment. He's off to America in search of the elusive Sarah who may have defected and with whom he had a brief affair that contributed to the downfall of his marriage. He's also assumed guardianship of the 9-year-old daughter of one of the original team members, a responsibility that he is not fulfilling very well in spite of the fact that he loves her very much.

Nick moves into Sarah's vacated apartment and tries to puzzle out where she may have gone. He has a strong hunch that she may be at a remote location in North Carolina. He sets up an observation point from which he can take pictures. The details of the pre-planning involved in making this successful were fascinating, including the need to consume large quantities of Imodium to reduce unwanted movement. Nick is basically buried in a bush from where he observes the comings and goings in the house where he suspects Sarah is staying.

His hunch is right-on, and he informs London that he's found Sarah. They give him T104 order--kill the target without leaving a trace--and he is able to put aside any emotional reaction he may have to the directive and plan the best way to remove Sarah from the house and subsequently kill her and dispose of her body. The reader is privy to Nick's meticulous scheme for the abduction; it's totally fascinating to see how he plans for every possible eventuality.

The book moves forward at breakneck speed. Based on past history, Nick doesn't totally trust Sarah. She's spinning a wild tale of a political assassination of world leaders Arafat and Netanyahu that becomes more and more believable as events unfold. Of course, Nick doesn't totally trust himself either, because he is more than halfway in love with Sarah in spite of the complications those feelings present. The two of them join forces and race forward in a gripping hunt and chase scenario.

Although global thrillers are not my standard reading fare, I found Crisis Four to be a compelling look into the world of international intelligence. McNab sprinkles in the details of exactly how various activities are conducted, the procedures for conducting every aspect of an observation or meet. My only problem was when he discussed the international political situations that were impacted by the events in the book. That, I fear, is more a lack on my part than of the book's, in that I don't follow world events as closely as I should.

The cover of the book describes it as "a high-voltage global thriller". I'd have to agree with that characterization and add that McNab is a master electrician supplying the power that keeps this book moving to a most satisfying conclusion. McNab himself is closely involved with the intelligence communities on both sides of the Atlantic and is wanted by a number of the world's terrorist groups, and his insider's experience shows on every page.

Reviewed by Maddy Van Hertbruggen, March 2003

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