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by Joe R. Lansdale
Warner Books, January 2003
304 pages
ISBN: 0892967293

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In a small Texan town in 1958, the end of innocence comes for thirteen-year-old Stanley Mitchell when he finds some old love letters, leading him to a house fire and two tragic deaths many years before. He becomes obsessed with investigating their fate and with the help of an old Native American police officer, soon begins to make progress, but creates danger at the same time.

To put it simply, A FINE DARK LINE’ blew me away. The quality of writing was excellent and the book is superbly evocative of small town life in days gone by. Lansdale writes with strength and skilfully mixes a coming of age story with an exciting murder mystery.

Whereas the mystery itself is excellent, the true driving force of the book has to be its characters. Stanley Mitchell works brilliantly as the main protagonist, mixing with his family and friends, at times making the reader laugh and always keeping their attention. The ending of the book is entirely satisfying, since it ties up all the loose ends. However, I remained disappointed that I had finished the book, since it was so good. A FINE DARK LINE’ is simply one of the best books I have read this year.

Reviewed by Luke Croll, March 2003

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