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by Lee Boschen
LTDBooks, January 2002
Ebook pages
ISBN: 1553160711

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Joanne MacRae is a stunningly beautiful woman, with a brilliant mind and a successful career; she also plays, excellently, tennis, chess and piano. David D'Escoyne is a powerful, handsome blond, currently on a leave from his job as a computer whiz to write a book about math for street kids; he, too, plays tennis and chess well and also the flute. Croton Longford III is a deputy director of the FBI and the secret leader of a sinister cabal; he's old, twisted and bitter. It's his plan to introduce David into Joanne's life and, through him, get information on the hush hush project she's directing.

This is a very silly story. We are told right near the beginning of Longford's nasty plan, which involves a highly improbable medical procedure performed on David so that he can be used as a spy without his knowledge. The plan repeatedly goes awry, due chiefly to the risible ineptitude of the Bad Guys. The cabal squabbles amongst itself; a different set of baddies sticks its oar in; David and Joanne can't decide if they despise or desire each other (one of Longford's associates warned him their astrological signs would conflictÖ). Suspense is at a premium in this one, the identity of the other baddies arousing perhaps a mild curiosity, but otherwise nothing surprising occurs. There is rather too much focus on the romance between David and Joanne, including a couple of lilac-tinted scenes of passion that inspire more giggles than tingles. At least it's short.

Reviewed by Diana Sandberg, October 2002

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