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by Peter Swanson
William Morrow, April 2021
308 pages
ISBN: 0062980033

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A billionaire with the means to buy whatever and whomever he wants and who is used to controlling everyone around him might not be someone with whom to jump into a quick marriage.

Abigail never expected to fall in love with a rich man, but when she met Bruce she had no idea of his wealth and, by the time she knew about his background, she was in love. When the two decide to marry and he jets off to a bachelor party, he also sets up a beautiful bachelorette party for her and her friends. No expense is spared, and Abigail has had a few glasses of wine too many and makes some bad choices.

Fast forward to the honeymoon, which Bruce has set up at an isolated resort in which he has a large stake. Just how large that stake is doesn’t become clear until the last half of the book. Abigail is one of only two women at the resort and, as Bruce becomes more controlling and that other woman disappears under suspicious circumstances, the creepy nature of the resort and the controlling nature of her husband begin to frighten Abigail. When the man with whom she made those bad choices at the bachelorette party shows up, she becomes seriously panicked.

The book pits a group of misogynistic men who feel they have no boundaries against a young woman who is not willing to give up. Fortunately, Abigail was an athlete who has experience in surviving in the outdoors, both of which are essential to her survival. She shows a great deal of strength during her battle to save herself, and this requires the reader to accept some very unlikely scenes. In spite of that excess, however, Swanson writes a very compelling plot and the book is hard to put down.

EVERY VOW YOU BREAK is fast paced and with good characterization and locale descriptions. My only quibble with it is that it becomes a bit fantastical in the end. And I don't like authors to end abruptly and then tie up all the details in an epilogue, but that's just what Swanson did. Those who do like to find out what happened after the story ends will appreciate this approach.

§ Sharon Mensing, retired educational leader, lives, reads, and enjoys the outdoors in Arizona.

Reviewed by Sharon Mensing, April 2021

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Contact: Yvonne Klein (ymk@reviewingtheevidence.com)

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