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by J. Michael-Blue
Mystery & Suspense Press, April 2002
184 pages
ISBN: 0595221351

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J. Michael Blue likes to write about real life. All his stories are about things that can actually happen.

The first three stories are about a jazz singer, Diana Blue and her bass player Josh. Diana decides to leave her criminal boyfriend and takes a large chunk of his money with her. She asks Josh to do her a favor and then takes off, literally leaving him holding the bag. These three stories follows what happens to Diana, Josh, and the boyfriend. The author could easily write a book of short stories just about these characters. If he ever does, I'd read it.

All the stories in the book are about the seamier side of life: a black family is terrorized out of their home; the young bride of an older, drunken man decides she's had enough of him and her life; a man cheating on his wife with his best friend's wife gets some payback from his friend and his wife, in a nice little twist of a story; a man in the witness protection program is suddenly not in it any longer and has to figure out a way to keep himself alive.

Each character in every story is unique and memorable. The world they inhabit is dark and dangerous but each meets the challenges they face in a fascinating way.

J. Michael Blue has had his stories published in many mystery publications and in his introduction he gives a nice tribute to MWA (Mystery Writers of America) the organizational home for all mystery writers. Both of his other books, Favor for Zodiac: A Micki Garrity Mystery and Justified Crimes: A Ray Fox Story were also published by the Mystery Writers of America.

3 LADY BLUES + 12 is a first-rate compilation of stories written by a skilled mystery writer. All mystery fans will love it.

Reviewed by Sharon Katz, August 2002

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Contact: Yvonne Klein (ymk@reviewingtheevidence.com)

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